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Disaster Risk Reduction in atlantic rainforest mountain region of rio de janeiro Brazil

Disaster Risk Reduction in the Serra dos Órgãos Atlantic Rainforest, Mountain Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Serra dos Órgãos Atlantic Rainforest, at the Mountain Region of Rio de Janeiro, has been the scene of recurrent natural disasters caused by floods and landslides, which invariably cause fatalities and generate high material and economic losses.

In this project, GARDE intends to implement, disseminate and encourage the use of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practices in risk areas of natural disasters generated by extreme rainfall events.

The main purpose of the project is to eliminate the occurrence of victims and reduce material damage through the implementation of standards and instructions for the reduction of risks of natural disasters indicated by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) listed in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. This document integrates the mapping of risk areas, the development of technologies for predicting extreme events and alerts communication systems and educational actions for the mitigation of the risk of natural disasters.

Initially, the project will be developed in the Municipality of Petrópolis, in the mountain region of the State of Rio de Janeiro and later replicated to other areas, benefiting populations located in risk areas.

Pedra Quitandinha

Project objectives:

Mapping of risk areas to natural disasters (floods and landslides), according to UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) and the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction guidelines.

Research and development of technology for forecasting and communicating risk alert (risk forecast software and application accessible to the community through the smartphone).

Development of community adaptive capacity through awareness of climate change, environmental disasters and their socio-economic impacts; attention to the inclusion and participation of women in the adaptation plan.

Project: Community Based Climate Adaptation Plan – The Impact of Rainfall: Serra dos Órgãos Atlantic Rainforest

Description: Implementation, diffusion and incentive to the use of disaster risk reduction practices, according to the norms suggested by the UN / UNISDR.

Rationale: Recurrent events of natural disasters caused by heavy rains that generate fatalities and high material and economic losses.

Location: Serra dos Órgãos Atlantic Rainforest, beginning with the Municipality of Petrópolis.

Target: Communities located in risk areas, public agencies and civil defense organizations and civil entities.

Purpose: The project aims to eliminate the occurrence of victims and reduce the materials damages in extreme weather events through the deployment, dissemination and encouragement of the use of disaster risk reduction practices.

The main objectives of the project are:

Mapping risk areas

Development of technology for prediction and communication of risk alert

Developing communities’ capacity to adapt to climate change

The project will be developed with the partnership of public agencies, private companies and civil organizations.